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Torréfacteur Neon Coffee Roasters

Guama AA - Kenya - Washed SL28, SL34, Batian

Guama AA - Kenya - Washed SL28, SL34, Batian

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Region: Kirinyaga

Flavour notes: blackberry, rhubarb, mandarin

Variety: SL28, SL34, Batian

Altitude: 1620m


The Guama Coffee Washing Station, or “factory” as it’s called locally, is owned and operated by the Baragwi Farmers’ Cooperative Society. Established in 1986, this factory brings together over 1,380 smallholder farmers, each cultivating around 400 coffee bushes. The washing station is located in Kirinyaga County, a region nestled along the lower slopes of Mt. Kenya, where the rich, volcanic soils and high elevation create ideal conditions for coffee farming.
Mt. Kenya, the second-highest peak in Africa, is surrounded by a vast national forest that nourishes the surrounding lands with mineral-rich soil, making it one of the world’s premier coffee-producing areas. Kirinyaga County, known for its consistently high-quality coffee, shares its reputation with neighboring Nyeri. Together, these regions produce coffees with bright, fruit-forward profiles, often tasting of berries and citrus.
Kenya’s coffee industry is structured around a cooperative system, where members vote on key decisions related to marketing, milling, and profit allocation. Guama is one of twelve factories within the Baragwi Cooperative Society, and despite challenges like delayed payments and multiple intermediary costs cutting into profits, farmers here still benefit from the competitive pricing of their exceptional coffees. While most farmers also rely on other forms of income, the high quality of Kirinyaga coffee ensures that even smallholders with a few hundred trees maintain a stable, middle-class lifestyle through their coffee production. This blend of smallholder dedication, high elevation, and fertile volcanic soils combines to create some of the most beloved coffees in Kenya, a testament to the region’s unique terroir and the resilience of its farming communities.


SCA Cup Score: 88

Quantity Purchased:60kg

Free On Board: 6.86 USD/lb

Free On Truck: 9.83 USD/lb

Fermentation: Washed

Coffee cherries are carefully handpicked when ripe and delivered to the factory on the same day for processing. The fully washed process begins with pulping and a 24-hour dry fermentation period, followed by a thorough washing and soaking in clean water. The coffee is then dried meticulously under shade, ensuring an even process that prevents the parchment from cracking. Water for the washing process is sourced from the nearby Ruthagati dam, which also supports the surrounding community and their cattle.
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